Be Brave

"Be brave enough to try something new."

It can be a little scary [ok, SUPER scary!!], but trying something new is the only way to begin stepping out of your comfort zone / safety net.

Personally, this took me a LONG time to do and I'm still working on it every single day! It can be challenging to be in an area that's unknown.

BUT...the unknown is where the MAGIC happens! ๐Ÿ”ฎ

A recipe mishap turns into best-selling item.
A dyeing mistake turns into a new trend.
A film exposure error creates a new technique / signature style.
A weekend workshop class turns into a new passion or business.

Scientifically, trying something new gives you a hit of dopamine [the "feel good" chemical], makes you feel rewarded and expands your mind...all while learning something new!

Is there something new that YOU will be trying this week? โœจ๏ธ

Me? I'm going to map out a new business offering [!!!], which will debut soon, dive deep into a product idea AND in my personal life, I'm going to try out a new organizational method in my home!



New Biz Cards!


I Am Not One Thing