
'Tis the time of the year for me to reorganize EVERYDAMNTHING.

Closet, paperwork, computer desktop, home, office, kitchen, bathroom storage – you name it, I've gone through it in the last few weeks.

I know what you may be thinking, and YES, even an extremely organized person who helps others organize their lives accumulates things throughout the year, too!

It's only natural that we do. We purchase or create things that make us happy or are useful, we acquire gifts, we grow and expand...

But, we need to remember that when we bring items into the home or workspace, there are things that need to be kicked to the curb, so to speak.

Take my bookshelf, for example. This shelf lives in my creative office space and holds an array of items: personal, business, and creativity-related. I look at it all day long when I'm in my office and I wanted it to look / feel clutter-free and purposeful, which I feel it does now.

How did I do that?

■ Went through my books and donated the ones that I was never going to revisit again or will never make the time to read. I cleared out an entire shelf! And then rainbow-tized the books. (There were two shelves of books before I decluttered.)
□ Highlighted my little vase collection that makes me so happy. If you know me even just a bit, you know I *love* having flower arrangements around the home / office space, so this designated display space is both crucial and lovely.
■ Cleaned up my displayed art by choosing select pieces (photos from travels) that bring me joy.

I really wish I would've taken a before photo – for some reason, I always forget to do that!

What space(s) is on YOUR "to organize" list? 🌈



Look of the Day


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