“It Takes Zero Courage…”
I've been listening to a new-to-me podcast called The Professional Creative by Bonnie Christine, a successful artist and fabric designer.
IT IS AMAZING!! (Thanks to the fabulous Chelsea Brady of Rising Creative for the recommendation!)
Each episode is a deep dive (but not long and drawn out) into various aspects of having a creative business – finding constant inspiration, actually doing vs dreaming, feelings that come up when being a business owner, and so much more.
I snagged this quote from Bonnie in one of her most recent episodes where she speaks about how sometimes people think that being an artist isn't a "real" job. The episode is called "Stand in Your Power: I Am an Artist" and she talks about when she took the leap to be a fabric designer, she didn't tell many people – only the people who were the closest to her.
The reason? It's a vulnerable place to be in (sharing your art with the world) and some people can knock down your ideas, making you second guess your decision.
➡️ These are the naysayers!
Only keep those who believe in you (your cheerleaders!) around you and keep on truckin'!
You'll have to listen to the whole episode (HERE) – it's so good! And, while you're at it, check out her entire episode catalog.