6 Ways to Stay More Focused


  1. Limit apps during your work hours.
    This is HUGE. Yes, we walk around with tiny handheld computers in our pockets all day long, but it doesn’t mean we NEED to be on them 24/7! Some apps can be useful for business – many are just time-sucks. Planning out your personal app use can be a game-changer to getting you to focus.

  2. Create lists & actually check things off.
    Believe it or not, actually SEEING things on your list being crossed off will motivate you like nothing else. So, make a list & start checking things off to see your productivity in realtime!

  3. Declutter Declutter Declutter.
    If your workspace is full of clutter, your mind / eyes will naturally gravitate to it, sometimes causing anxiety. Clean it up & have a clear mind to stay focused on what you’re doing!

  4. Create a schedule for yourself.
    Of course things come up, but having a “working time” schedule that you can stick to can set a boundary of WORK TIME or PERSONAL TIME. If you own a boutique, have office hours set aside to do the ordering, customer relations or financial books. If you are a designer, set aside time to take photographs. Try to have time where you can do your task(s) uninterrupted!

  5. Keep tasks simple & realistic.
    Simplifying your tasks or breaking them into smaller, digestible pieces helps you to conquer them & keep your momentum going. Have a large report on your to-dos? Break it into sections so it seems less daunting. Need to make 400 headbands for a new wholesale order? Take them 25 at a time.

  6. Treat yourself.
    This may sound (well, read) like something for children, but let’s be real: we all would like a treat! So, after you’ve crossed something off your to-do list, treat yourself to some stretching, a dollar in your “just for fun” jar, 5 minutes of fresh air or even a nibble of your fave dark chocolate. It’s these little perks that can actually increase our motivation & gets the dopamine flowing! (Just don’t overdo it on the caffeine if you’re treating yourself to coffee. Eek!)





“Always deliver more than expected”