
Let's talk a bit about BOUNDARIES, shall we?
Specifically with pricing, your time and your energy.

You don't have to say yes to everything. Some people think that because they need the money/work so badly, they need to say yes to everything coming in, whether it fulfills them or not.

NOPE. Your energy is precious and the work you desire WILL COME.

》Your pricing is your pricing. PERIOD. You know your worth, what you do behind-the-scenes and approximately each project will take, your market value, etc. Don't let a client/customer tell you how much something should cost! If they have a budget, that is can let them know how you can help them within their budget. That's good customer service! If you're priced too high for them or they have a budget that doesn't make sense for your work, they may not be the client for you! Or, not at this time at least.

》Know your WORTH and stand strong.

》Trades are OK if you are into it. If not, kindly decline and move on. No need to dwell. You want to commit to spending your time/energy on something that gives you life too! If it goes both ways, AMAZING.

》Going back to the first point – JUST SAY NO. I've been seeing this a lot on social media lately because folks are discussing mental health, which goes hand-in-hand with physical health (and everything else). Don't feel like you need to do something because you'll "feel bad" if you don't. If you're not a f@*% yes, then don't commit!

》Have clear working hours and response time for your clients/customers. You cannot get back to everyone right away. That would be crazy! If you have an automated response to any inquiries, set a time frame, such as within 24-48 hours. If you strictly work M-F, let your contacts know.

》Have contracts in place to protect YOU. And the client. But, you.

With boundaries in place, you can be your best self! I'm practicing this all the time.

Repeat after me....


Now go out there, hu$tle and be happy about your work, your clients/customers and your life! It's all about BALANCE.




