
Entrepreneurs, artists and service providers – let's talk about PRICING.

Pricing is often the most vulnerable part of doing business with others! Knowing your worth and the value that you'll be bringing to potential clients is *so* important.

Points to consider when pricing:
》How much experience you have (paid work or unpaid work).
》Do you have a degree in your field? (This isn't necessary for most fields, but it is a hefty investment that should be worked into your value.)
》What have you done to enhance your knowledge in your field (classes, retreats, readings, podcasts, masterminds, etc)?
》Overhead. Consider all of your monthly/yearly expenses including rent, utilities (yes, wifi!), software, website/domain, supplies, etc.
》Travel expenses. If you travel to clients, you need to figure in your time/fuel costs.
》Anything extra BTS (behind-the-scenes). Prep and clean-up come to mind as the most common.
》Your TIME. Your time is precious and valuable...everyone's is! Whether you're creating proposals or have set prices for your clients, you'll need to estimate how much time will be spent on a project/service. This, of course, becomes easier and quicker with experience, but is one of the most important points when first starting out too.

Do not be ashamed in charging your worth! If someone doesn't choose your services because you're too costly, then they aren't the client for you.

More on boundaries this week....





Everything is Hard…