Brand Photoshoot Tips

Brand Photo Shoot Tips

Note: This guide is very general and even if you have products or services to promote (not necessarily just you), you can still use my little checklist to guide you to a *perfect* photoshoot! Video below is taken from my IG!

Get at least 1 really great headshot (ideally 2).
This is a more *professional* capture, but can certainly play around with it, if your field allows you to do so. These are also great for Linkedin, profile images, email signatures, etc.

Many different angles for an array of uses.
Think about where you might be using your images -- digital (website, social media, write-ups / features), mail promotions and more. Especially for social media, you'll want to mix up the angles to keep your account looking more interesting.

Remember the wide angles! ■
Many photographers LOVE vertical images (they do work well for IG), but you'll need wide / horizontal images for your website, newsletters, social media (think FB cover image or event invites) and more!

In-action shots to show you (or your products) "in the wild".
Customers / clients love to see a not-so-perfect view and how things are done. Give it to them!

Capture the details.
Ever hear the phrase "the magic is in the details"? Well, it is! These captures can really highlight your work, your personality and aesthetic, your "tools" or products.

Be playful! ■
It shows your (brand’s) personality and creativity.

Use props (or your products)!
I LOVE PROPS! Flowers, blank cardstock (you can type or draw on it whenever you want), bowls, books, computer... It creates a more natural feel and adds interest!

My photos were taken by the talented Denver local, Meg Jacobsen Photography. ✨️



Lookin’ Sharp


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