Have a dream so clear…
Whatever you call it, keep it fresh in your visual eye. Keep it clear and super-detailed. 👁
■ Write it down.
□ Post it on your fridge, bathroom mirror, car or desk (somewhere you'll see it).
■ Say it in a daily mantra, in the present tense.
□ Draw it out in great detail (doesn't have to be artist-worthy, just a "map").
"I am making my dreams come true with my business doing ______ and ______."
Or even:
■ "I am selling all of the inventory I have to make way for new."
□ "I am full booked for the rest of this year".
■ "I am making double what I made last month."
Think about it actively at least once a day, preferably first thing in the morning or right before you fall asleep. 🖤