New Year, New Word

At the beginning of the year, many folks try out new things, make resolutions / intentions, look more closely at their diets, and fine-tune things that would make their lives better and more fulfilled. It’s a time to start anew.

One thing that I’ve done the past few years is choose a word as a theme for the upcoming year. It’s a ritual that speaks to me. :)

My word for 2023 is:

I’m a curious kitty (err, person) by nature, but this year, I plan to go deeper…digging into the whys and hows of my mind, the outside world, business, relationships, passions, etc… I did a mini brainstorm sesh earlier this week, but have carved out time just for myself on Sunday to create a vision collage board and brainstorm of some things I’d like to work on.

I encourage you to do the same! It’s the perfect time to usher in goodness, prosperity, growth, health, motivation, productivity, and more for the new year. Below is a PDF quick guide I created for you – how to find your word and visual worksheets. Download and share with others if you feel called!


Dress Well


Baja Moons…