When you focus on the good…

“When you focus on the good, the good gets better.”

Exploring positivity.

I think most of us have heard the saying "What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create."

When you focus on the good things in your day / life / career, things don't necessarily *magically* happen, BUT you're putting your energy toward the bettering of you. You're lifting your spirits, making goals, nurturing and seeing yourself as the best you can be.

Looking at the glass half full, so to say.

If you're focusing on the bad or not ideal situations, that's all you see and it will bring you down. This creates a lack of motivation and self-worth.

🌿 "I'll never make any money."
⚡️ "I'm not good enough for a promotion."
🦋 "My products aren't selling, no one wants what I'm creating."

Instead, look at it this way:
🌿 "I'm on my way to making the money I envision for myself."
⚡️"I'm qualified for this promotion and here are some examples why."
🦋 "Maybe I need to tweak my products a touch or try a new outlet for selling."

P A T I E N C E.

Keep your head up, shoulders back and focus on the good!




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